March 31, 2008

The Return of Terp's Take!!!

It's the moment you've been waiting for. It's when Darth Vader tells Luke he is his father. When Rudy finally gets into the game and gets a sack. When Jackie Moon wrestles the bear. IT'S THE RETURN OF TERP'S TAKE!!!

Ok, maybe I'm a little more excited than all of you, but finally I am able to get back to what I do best, and that's doing Terp's Take, the segment that formed a cult following at my old station in Grand Rapids. I've come a long way and covered a lot of ground since I started doing the Take; from killing it in football picks, to suggesting that ESPN devote Full Circle coverage to Erin Andrews...there's always something going down on Terp's Take.

I thought that since it's a special moment for everyone, I'd post the first Take to run on Sports Radio 1370. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Nathan Sportel said...

Terp, I am looking forward to hearing your daily, witty "takes," that is once you get your show in a format that can reach me. (*COUGH* INTERNET STREAM *COUGH*)a

Anyway, I finally got around to linking your blog with mine. Im glad we are blogging friends.